Welcome to the largest online database of independent strippers. If you are looking for a stripper or two for your next bachelor party, stag party, office party or perhaps just a small get together our directory of independent and agency strippers is a great place to find what you are looking for!
We encourage independent strippers of legal age and bachelor party services to advertise legal services on our website. Do not use our platform to advertise illegal services.
As of 10/15/19 we no longer allow nude photos. Any ad with nude photos will be deleted once it gets flagged by a user. This includes ads that were posted PRE 10/15/19
By posting on PVSSY you agree that you are not engaging in prostitution and all the services you provide are legal in your jurisdiction.
By clicking here you agree you are not posting ads to engage in any type of human trafficking.
By clicking here you agree that you are at least 18 years of age or older and are legally allowed to work as a stripper in your jurisdiction.
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A Enthusiast user can view ads and save ads in their favorites whereas a Escort can post their ads on the Pvssy website